As I said in my very first entry, I am terrible at journaling, (or blogging,) its one of those things I have always wanted to do but never developed the discipline for it. To be honest I just don't have discipline for most things. I think it is my free spirit, do things my way, attitude. Its not a bad thing. Of course I learn most lessons the hard way and I have a lot of unfinished projects but I also have a ton, and I mean ton of experiences I would have never had if I worried about my routine or doing the same stuff everyday.
It always amazes me what a difference a day and a prayer can make. When I started this blog I was in a real free fall with my life. Dream career gone, big comfy salary gone, job market in the toilet, etc. I had no idea what I was going to do with myself much less my career, my house, my truck, the stock pile of now useless junk from my previous life, etc. I worked three jobs, I sold stuff I didn't need, I recycled cans, anything to help my ends meet. THEN it hit me, actually Joyce Meyer told me, to let go and let God! Yes, I had heard it before but I wasn't listening then and I was now. It was not my job to worry and fret, it was my job to get up everyday with a thankful heart and do all I could to be JOYOUS! WHAT? That's all I have to do, trust God and be JOYOUS? Could Oprah have been right all along? I love JOY its one of my favorite feelings, nothing in the world can top it! Pure joy is so easy to find in the smallest of things.
Here is some of my favorite simple JOYS!
*My lab when she does just about anything
*My niece when she says, "I love you Aunt Kym" for no reason.
*My boyfriend when he kisses me on the forehead.
*Planting a flower and watching in grow.
*When my bosses wife calls just to see how I am doing
*A phone call from a dear friend and having time to catch up
*Sending cards to friends for no reason.
*Reading blogs, magazines or a good book for an hour without interruption.
*Playing in the creek.
*Holding the cat while he purrs himself to sleep.
*Seeing the girls play softball.
*Cooking a big Sunday dinner and having someone volunteer to do the dishes!
I could go on and on but you get the idea. I am learning to find JOY in the simplest of places.
Some many things I want to share but I am thinking I will hold out till my next inspiration or should I say "blogspiration."
Wander freely and find your JOY!